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Scholarships for Sentara College Students

Scholarships for Sentara College Students

Scholarships for Sentara College Students

As a student at Sentara College of Health Sciences, you may be eligible for some of the scholarships listed here. Some scholarships require a minimum GPA, recommendation, essay, or thank you note. Be sure to read the criteria for the scholarship you are applying to and submit all documents by the deadline. Learn more by contacting the Financial Aid Office.

Mary Peed Baker Scholarship

Mrs. Baker graduated from Norfolk Protestant Hospital School of Nursing (now Sentara College of Health Sciences). She graduated in 1897, worked at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, and then served as a U.S. Army nurse during the Spanish-American War. This scholarship is need-based and award amounts vary.

Sharon Boucher Scotece Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Sharon Boucher Scotece was a dedicated nurse at Leigh Memorial Hospital (now Sentara Leigh Hospital). Upon her passing, her daughters and husband wanted to honor her memory by establishing a scholarship to help future nurses. The award amount will vary and will support one Practical Nursing student per year upon the launch of Sentara's Practical Nursing program.

Margarette Hanes Old Nurse and Educational Scholarship

A scholarship started in 1960 for nursing students who have been long-time Hampton Roads residents and demonstrate financial need. Awards vary.

Dorothy Thomas Hudson Memorial Scholarship

This need-based scholarship is available to rising seniors in the Nursing Program, and is named in honor of a member of the Class of 1950. It includes a $2,000 award.

Alfred and Bessie M. James Scholarship

Established by the Bessie McAboy James Trust, the scholarship is available to nursing students at Sentara College. A $400 award is given to one student with a 2.5 or higher with demonstrated financial need.

Mary Marshall Nursing Scholarship

Offered by the Virginia Department of Health, which promotes and protects the health of all Virginians. The department offers a range of public health programs, including scholarships. Awards vary and applications are made available here when open to new students.

Elizabeth “Boots” McBride Nursing Scholarship

Mrs. McBride, a class of 1951 graduate of Norfolk General Hospital School of Professional Nursing (now Sentara College of Health Sciences), established an annual scholarship award in gratitude for the excellent education she received. The award will vary and be given to a Master of Science in Nursing – Entry to Nursing Practice student each spring.

Connor Richards Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2019 to honor the life of Sentara College graduate Connor Richards and to continue his legacy of excellence in nursing, philanthropy, and service. The scholarship is funded through the generous support of family and friends to benefit qualified students enrolled in any nursing program at Sentara College. One $1,500 award will be made to either a junior BSN student or a first-year MSN student, and one $2,500 award will be made to either a senior BSN student or a second-year MSN student.

Sentara Norfolk General Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association Scholarship

A $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually to a rising senior-level student enrolled in the Nursing Program. Qualified students have clear professional goals, are dedicated to the nursing profession, and have a minimum 3.5 GPA.

Virginia Beach Auxiliary Scholarships

The volunteer association at Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital offers two scholarships - one for nursing students and one for Allied Health students. The award is $1,000.

Thia Waller Clinical Education Scholarship

Established by nursing alumna, Thia Waller, upon her retirement from nursing, this scholarship is available annually to one or more new BSN or MENP students. The award is $500.

Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation

This foundation is a charity dedicated to support qualified students in need. The award amounts vary depending on the number of students applying and the amount received annually for this scholarship. Applications are included in acceptance packets for nursing degree programs.

Linda Whitt Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2022 to honor the life of Linda Whitt, BSN, RN, CEN, her 43 years of service as an outstanding Emergency Department nurse, and to pass on her legacy of compassionate care to the next generation of students pursuing Emergency Medicine. One or more $1,500 award(s) will be made to either a junior or senior BSN student or an MENP student annually. 


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